Section: Application Domains


Three main application domains can be underlined.

  • In-vehicle embedded systems. A lot of work developed in TRIO is oriented towards transportation systems (cars, autonomous vehicles, etc.). They mainly cover two points. The first one is the specification of what must be modeled in such a system and how to reach a good accuracy of a model; this leads to investigate topics like Architecture Description Languages and automatic generation of models. The second point concerns the verification of dependability properties and temporal properties required by these applications and, consequently, the development of new fault tolerant on-line mechanisms to include in an application or the automatic generation of a standard middleware.

  • Compilation, memory management and low-power issues for real time embedded systems. It becomes mandatory to design embedded systems that respect performances and reliability con- straints while minimizing the energy consumption. Hence, TRIO is involved, on the one hand, in the definition of ad-hoc memory management at compilation time and on the other hand, in joint study of memory management strategies and tasks scheduling for real time critical systems.

  • Code analyses and software visualization for embedded systems. Despite important advances, it is still impossible to develop and optimize automatically all the programs with all their variety, especially when deployment constraints are considered. Software design and implementation thus remain highly ad-hoc, poorly automated activities, with a human being in the loop. TRIO is thus involved in the design of better tools for software engineering focusing on helping the human developer understand and develop the system, thanks to powerful automated program analyses and advanced visualizations techniques.